by Ralph Pina | Aug 22, 2018 | Addo Elephant National Park, De Hoop Nature Reserve, hiking, Hluleka Wildlife Reserve, Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, Table Mountain National Park, Tsitsikamma National Park, West Coast National Park
Here is a guide to the South African coastal hikes I have had the privilege of experiencing. Hopefully it is useful to those who are planning to walk our beautiful and diverse coastline. The list starts at the north-eastern-most trail – the Pondo Trail from... by Ralph Pina | Jan 27, 2014 | Addo Elephant National Park
A round-trip drive of 1700 km is a long way to go for a weekend hike. It would have to be really special to justify the travel I argued, especially in the face of Marion’s barely-concealed disapproval. Doubts loomed when Chris reported that his tendonitis could... by Ralph Pina | Sep 30, 2006 | Addo Elephant National Park, conservation
After the Eden to Addo Mega-Hike, the participants were asked to reflect on the concept of “corridors”, as Eden to Addo is a conservation corridor initiative. Here is my effort… If Earth is a self-regulating organism – Gaia to some – then...
by Ralph Pina | Sep 23, 2006 | Addo Elephant National Park, Baviaanskloof Mega-Reserve, conservation, hiking, trails, Tsitsikamma National Park
400kms, 17 days, 6 mountain ranges, many rivers, numerous veld types: 11 – 27 August 2006 The first time I saw the phrase “Eden to Addo” it spoke to me. Then when I saw it juxtaposed with “mega-hike” the synapses fired in my brain. The...
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