Up the Cascades

Up the Cascades

Cascades is a perennial summer outing on the Mountain Club’s calendar. Either members scramble up the gorge, skirting the waterfalls, or they abseil down the gorge through the waterfalls – often doing both in a single weekend. I have abseiled it before,...
Erdvark Trail

Erdvark Trail

Central Karoo The Erdvark Trail is located roughly 45 km west of the Karoo National Park. It winds up and through the foothills, valleys and tablelands of the escarpment, where the Karoo’s Koup ramps up to the Hoogland Karoo, in a great circuit some 67.8 km in...
Spanning the red stone arches

Spanning the red stone arches

Red Stone Hills One of the great advantages of being “retired” is that my time is my own. So, when Leonie invited my to join her and Sonja to explore the arches of Red Stone Hills after our almost-abortive hike at Gamkaberg, I accepted with alacrity. On a...