Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, Kleinmond
I was expecting a stroll with a gradual climb to the Perdeberg lookout, something I have done a couple of times. But I was rapidly disabused of this notion when we veered up onto the Three Sisters ridge and proceeded to scale its spine in a hardening north-wester. It was hard for me: the cardio-vascular system and the legs protested as we rose through 600 m in about 3 or 4 km. And then there was an executive decision to make for the elusive Perdeberg (depends on which map you consult) – El Dorado to the group – and as we were now up on the plateau, why not make for the lookout above the Palmiet River valley? So, we ended up walking about 15 km and climbing about 975 to 991 m, depending on which tracker app you choose to believe.
As always, the views from these Kogelberg mountains are awe-inspiring, and the fynbos is starting to bloom, flaunting its mind-boggling diversity. Santie and co. were like kids in a sweet shop, spotting little blue “Oumakappies” (disperis capensis – a small, blue orchid that is blooming all along the path) here and proteas there. Thanks to Santie for the great idea and invitation. As we picked our way over the Three Sisters, I couldn’t help but reflect on the tragedy that Marion and her three remaining sisters are having to come to terms with. On this beautiful day “three sisters” took on a poignant meaning.
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