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Ralph Pina
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Nyalaland Wilderness Trail
Northern Kruger Park: July 1999 The Nyalaland was our first Kruger wilderness trail (FAQ). It's one of the less popular trails in Kruger, but it has a special place in our hearts. Some low-res photos follow...
Crystal Pools – Cederberg
June 1999 The Cederberg is probably my favourite wilderness area. Little can compare to the remoteness, the silence and timelessness of those mountains. Ron and I resolved to tackle one of the classic wilderness routes - Algeria to Wuppertal, by way of Crystal...
Tsitsikamma Trail
30 April to 5 May 1999 The night before the hike proper was spent in Kalander Hut, within the De Vasselot area of the Tsitsikamma National Park, on the bank of the Groot River. It was a dark night, punctuated by plenty of snoring and characterised by awkward...
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