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Ralph Pina
Recent Posts
Twelve Apostles loop
This is another loop along the Twelve Apostles, ascending via the Diagonal (up the kloof on the left, above) and descending via Oudekraalkloof to return along the Pipe Track - 12.9 km in total and climbing through 1039 m. Santie chose the route, which included a lunch...
Balloch High Rim hike
During April we three MCSA Stellenbosch section members - Sonja, Paul and I - made the long trek to that part of the Eastern Cape that forms the southern border with Lesotho, to participate in the MCSA national mini-camp hosted by the Free State section. Although I...
Namaqualand coast hike
From the Spoeg River to the Groen River Late January arrived with an unexpected adventure: a 3-day hike down the Namaqualand coast within the borders of the Namaqualand National Park. Kevin, a longtime hiking companion, was the instigator. He had wanted to tackle the...
Miaspoort Trail to Huguenot Peak
Longtime hiking buddies, Kevin and Yolanda, invited me to join them on this ascent of Miaspoort to Huguenot Peak. We had not been out on an adventure together for some time, so the reunion was welcome. The climb from the old Du Toitskloof Pass road is quite strenuous....
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