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Ralph Pina
Recent Posts
Rooielsberg peak
At 637 m ASL, Rooielsberg Peak is the high peak above Blousteen, south-west of Kogelberg Peak. There are no recognised trails up there and it is closed to the public.
Karoo corridor MTB tour
Mitzi, Marion's sister-in-law, owner of Makadas Adventures, planned this private cycling tour, and I assume, dubbed it the "Karoo corridor" too. In 5 days most of us covered 265 km, climbing through 2942 m and descending 2957 m. Some rode more and some rode less - and...
A walk on the Wild Coast
The Pondo Trail, Pondoland Besides a previous Wild Coast hike from Port St Johns to Coffee Bay, Pondoland, The Wild Coast and the Transkei have constituted a gap in my outdoor experience of South Africa. The beauty and the undeveloped nature of the coast south of Port...
A northern Kruger cultural safari
July 2023 Kruger has been calling since our last visit in 2019 before the nightmare of the pandemic lockdowns. Along with long-time friends, Debbie and Paul Watson, we were happy to decide on a route through the northern sector of the park over about ten days, staying...
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